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Big Java Early Objects 6th Edition Chapter 8 Study Quiz


Höfundur: Cay S. Horstmann

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Rafbók til leigu í 120 daga. Útgáfa: 7


Big Java: Early Objects, 7e focuses on the essentials of effective learning and is suitable for a two-semester introduction to programming sequence. The text requires no prior programming experience and only a modest amount of high school algebra. Objects and classes from the standard library are used where appropriate in early sections with coverage on object oriented design starting in Chapter 8.


  • Höfundur: Cay S. Horstmann
  • Útgáfa:7
  • Útgáfudagur: 2019-10-22
  • Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
  • Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
  • Format:ePub
  • ISBN 13: 9781119636243
  • Print ISBN: 9781119588887
  • ISBN 10: 1119636248

Lesa meira Minnka


  • Title Page
  • Getting the Most from Your eText
    • New to this Edition
    • Tips for Using the Interactive Exercises
    • A Tour of the Book
    • Walkthrough of the Learning Aids
    • Acknowledgments
  • Quick Reference
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Computer Programs
      • Self Check
    • 1.2 The Anatomy of a Computer
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 1.1 Computers Are Everywhere
    • 1.3 The Java Programming Language
      • Self Check
    • 1.4 Becoming Familiar with Your Programming Environment
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 1.1 Backup Copies
    • 1.5 Analyzing Your First Program
      • Syntax 1.1 Java Program
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 1.1 Omitting Semicolons
    • 1.6 Errors
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 1.2 Misspelling Words
    • 1.7 Problem Solving: Algorithm Design
      • 1.7.1 The Algorithm Concept
      • 1.7.2 An Algorithm for Solving an Investment Problem
      • 1.7.3 Pseudocode
      • 1.7.4 From Algorithms to Programs
      • Self Check
      • How To 1.1 Describing an Algorithm with Pseudocode
      • Worked Example 1.1 Writing an Algorithm for Tiling a Floor
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 1.1
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 1.1 Omitting Semicolons
      • Common Error 1.2 Misspelling Words
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 1.1 Backup Copies
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 1.1 Computers Are Everywhere
    • How To 1.1 Describing an Algorithm with Pseudocode
    • Worked Example 1.1 Writing an Algorithm for Tiling a Floor
  • 2. Using Objects
    • 2.1 Objects and Classes
      • 2.1.1 Using Objects
      • 2.1.2 Classes
      • Self Check
    • 2.2 Variables
      • 2.2.1 Variable Declarations
      • Syntax 2.1 Variable Declaration
      • Self Check
      • 2.2.2 Types
      • Self Check
      • 2.2.3 Names
      • Self Check
      • Self Check
      • 2.2.5 Assignment
      • Syntax 2.2 Assignment
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 2.1 Using Undeclared or Uninitialized Variables
      • Common Error 2.2 Confusing Variable Declarations and Assignment Statements
      • Programming Tip 2.1 Choose Descriptive Variable Names
      • Special Topic 2.1 Variable Type Inference
    • 2.3 Calling Methods
      • 2.3.1 The Public Interface of a Class
      • 2.3.2 Method Arguments
      • 2.3.3 Return Values
      • 2.3.4 Method Declarations
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 2.2 Learn By Trying
    • 2.4 Constructing Objects
      • Syntax 2.3 Object Construction
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 2.3 Trying to Invoke a Constructor Like a Method
    • 2.5 Accessor and Mutator Methods
      • Self Check
    • 2.6 The API Documentation
      • 2.6.1 Browsing the API Documentation
      • 2.6.2 Packages
      • Syntax 2.4 Importing a Class from a Package
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 2.3 Don't Memorize—Use Online Help
    • 2.7 Implementing a Test Program
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 2.2 Testing Classes in an Interactive Environment
      • Worked Example 2.1 How Many Days Have You Been Alive?
      • Worked Example 2.2 Working with Pictures
    • 2.8 Object References
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 2.1 Computer Monopoly
    • 2.9 Graphical Applications
      • 2.9.1 Frame Windows
      • 2.9.2 Drawing on a Component
      • 2.9.3 Displaying a Component in a Frame
      • Self Check
    • 2.10 Ellipses, Lines, Text, and Color
      • 2.10.1 Ellipses and Circles
      • 2.10.2 Lines
      • 2.10.3 Drawing Text
      • 2.10.4 Colors
      • Self Check
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 2.1: Variables and Methods
      • Practice 2.2: Using APIs
      • Practice 2.3: Graphics Programming
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 2.1 Using Undeclared or Uninitialized Variables
      • Common Error 2.2 Confusing Variable Declarations and Assignment Statements
      • Common Error 2.3 Trying to Invoke a Constructor Like a Method
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 2.1 Choose Descriptive Variable Names
      • Programming Tip 2.2 Learn By Trying
      • Programming Tip 2.3 Don't Memorize—Use Online Help
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 2.1 Variable Type Inference
      • Special Topic 2.2 Testing Classes in an Interactive Environment
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 2.1 Computer Monopoly
    • Worked Example 2.1 How Many Days Have You Been Alive?
    • Worked Example 2.2 Working with Pictures
  • 3. Implementing Classes
    • 3.1 Instance Variables and Encapsulation
      • 3.1.1 Instance Variables
      • Syntax 3.1 Instance Variable Declaration
      • 3.1.2 The Methods of the Counter Class
      • 3.1.3 Encapsulation
      • Self Check
    • 3.2 Specifying the Public Interface of a Class
      • 3.2.1 Specifying Methods
      • 3.2.2 Specifying Constructors
      • Syntax 3.2 Class Declaration
      • 3.2.3 Using the Public Interface
      • 3.2.4 Commenting the Public Interface
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 3.1 Declaring a Constructor as void
      • Programming Tip 3.1 The javadoc Utility
    • 3.3 Providing the Class Implementation
      • 3.3.1 Providing Instance Variables
      • 3.3.2 Providing Constructors
      • 3.3.3 Providing Methods
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 3.2 Ignoring Parameter Variables
      • How To 3.1 Implementing a Class
      • Worked Example 3.1 Making a Simple Menu
    • 3.4 Unit Testing
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 3.1 Electronic Voting
    • 3.5 Problem Solving: Tracing Objects
      • Self Check
    • 3.6 Local Variables
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 3.3 Duplicating Instance Variables in Local Variables
      • Common Error 3.4 Providing Unnecessary Instance Variables
      • Common Error 3.5 Forgetting to Initialize Object References in a Constructor
    • 3.7 The this Reference
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 3.1 Calling One Constructor from Another
    • 3.8 Shape Classes
      • Self Check
      • How To 3.2 Drawing Graphical Shapes
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 3.1: More Practice with BankAccount
      • Practice 3.2: More Practice with Other Classes
      • Practice 3.3: Graphics Classes
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 3.1 Declaring a Constructor as void
      • Common Error 3.2 Ignoring Parameter Variables
      • Common Error 3.3 Duplicating Instance Variables in Local Variables
      • Common Error 3.4 Providing Unnecessary Instance Variables
      • Common Error 3.5 Forgetting to Initialize Object References in a Constructor
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 3.1 The javadoc Utility
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 3.1 Calling One Constructor from Another
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 3.1 Electronic Voting
    • How To 3.1 Implementing a Class
    • How To 3.2 Drawing Graphical Shapes
    • Worked Example 3.1 Making a Simple Menu
  • 4. Fundamental Data Types
    • 4.1 Numbers
      • 4.1.1 Number Types
      • Self Check
      • 4.1.2 Constants
      • Syntax 4.1 Constant Declaration
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 4.1 Do Not Use Magic Numbers
      • Special Topic 4.1 Big Numbers
    • 4.2 Arithmetic
      • 4.2.1 Arithmetic Operators
      • Self Check
      • 4.2.2 Increment and Decrement
      • Self Check
      • 4.2.3 Integer Division and Remainder
      • Self Check
      • 4.2.4 Powers and Roots
      • Self Check
      • 4.2.5 Converting Floating-Point Numbers to Integers
      • Syntax 4.2 Cast
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 4.1 Unintended Integer Division
      • Common Error 4.2 Unbalanced Parentheses
      • Programming Tip 4.2 Spaces in Expressions
      • Special Topic 4.2 Avoiding Negative Remainders
      • Special Topic 4.3 Combining Assignment and Arithmetic
      • Special Topic 4.4 Instance Methods and Static Methods
      • Computing & Society 4.1 Bugs in Silicon
    • 4.3 Input and Output
      • 4.3.1 Reading Input
      • Syntax 4.3 Input Statement
      • Self Check
      • 4.3.2 Formatted Output
      • Self Check
      • How To 4.1 Carrying Out Computations
      • Worked Example 4.1 Computing the Volume and Surface Area of a Pyramid
    • 4.4 Problem Solving: First Do It By Hand
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 4.2 Computing Travel Time
    • 4.5 Strings
      • 4.5.1 The String Type
      • 4.5.2 Concatenation
      • Self Check
      • 4.5.3 String Input
      • Self Check
      • 4.5.4 Escape Sequences
      • 4.5.5 Strings and Characters
      • Self Check
      • 4.5.6 Substrings
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 4.3 Reading Exception Reports
      • Special Topic 4.5 Using Dialog Boxes for Input and Output
      • Computing & Society 4.2 International Alphabets and Unicode
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 4.1: Working with Numbers
      • Practice 4.2: Strings
      • Practice 4.3: Challenging Programming Problems
      • Practice 4.4: First Do It By Hand
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 4.1 Unintended Integer Division
      • Common Error 4.2 Unbalanced Parentheses
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 4.1 Do Not Use Magic Numbers
      • Programming Tip 4.2 Spaces in Expressions
      • Programming Tip 4.3 Reading Exception Reports
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 4.1 Big Numbers
      • Special Topic 4.2 Avoiding Negative Remainders
      • Special Topic 4.3 Combining Assignment and Arithmetic
      • Special Topic 4.4 Instance Methods and Static Methods
      • Special Topic 4.5 Using Dialog Boxes for Input and Output
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 4.1 Bugs in Silicon
      • Computing & Society 4.2 International Alphabets and Unicode
    • How To 4.1 Carrying Out Computations
    • Worked Example 4.1 Computing the Volume and Surface Area of a Pyramid
    • Worked Example 4.2 Computing Travel Time
  • 5. Decisions
    • 5.1 The if Statement
      • Syntax 5.1 if Statement
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 5.1 A Semicolon After the if Condition
      • Programming Tip 5.1 Brace Layout
      • Programming Tip 5.2 Always Use Braces
      • Programming Tip 5.3 Tabs
      • Programming Tip 5.4 Avoid Duplication in Branches
      • Special Topic 5.1 The Conditional Operator
    • 5.2 Comparing Values
      • 5.2.1 Relational Operators
      • Syntax 5.2 Comparisons
      • 5.2.2 Comparing Floating-Point Numbers
      • 5.2.3 Comparing Strings
      • 5.2.4 Comparing Objects
      • 5.2.5 Testing for null
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 5.2 Using == to Compare Strings
      • How To 5.1 Implementing an if Statement
      • Computing & Society 5.1 Dysfunctional Computerized Systems
      • Worked Example 5.1 Extracting the Middle
    • 5.3 Multiple Alternatives
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 5.2 The switch Statement
    • 5.4 Nested Branches
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 5.3 The Dangling else Problem
      • Programming Tip 5.5 Hand-Tracing
      • Special Topic 5.3 Block Scope
      • Special Topic 5.4 Enumeration Types
    • 5.5 Problem Solving: Flowcharts
      • Self Check
    • 5.6 Problem Solving: Selecting Test Cases
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 5.6 Make a Schedule and Make Time for Unexpected Problems
      • Special Topic 5.5 Logging
    • 5.7 Boolean Variables and Operators
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 5.4 Combining Multiple Relational Operators
      • Common Error 5.5 Confusing && and || Conditions
      • Special Topic 5.6 Short-Circuit Evaluation of Boolean Operators
      • Special Topic 5.7 De Morgan's Law
    • 5.8 Application: Input Validation
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 5.2 Artificial Intelligence
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 5.1: Simple Conditions
      • Practice 5.2: Complex Conditions
      • Practice 5.3: Points on a Line and in a Plane
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 5.1 A Semicolon After the if Condition
      • Common Error 5.2 Using == to Compare Strings
      • Common Error 5.3 The Dangling else Problem
      • Common Error 5.4 Combining Multiple Relational Operators
      • Common Error 5.5 Confusing && and || Conditions
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 5.1 Brace Layout
      • Programming Tip 5.2 Always Use Braces
      • Programming Tip 5.3 Tabs
      • Programming Tip 5.4 Avoid Duplication in Branches
      • Programming Tip 5.5 Hand-Tracing
      • Programming Tip 5.6 Make a Schedule and Make Time for Unexpected Problems
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 5.1 The Conditional Operator
      • Special Topic 5.2 The switch Statement
      • Special Topic 5.3 Block Scope
      • Special Topic 5.4 Enumeration Types
      • Special Topic 5.5 Logging
      • Special Topic 5.6 Short-Circuit Evaluation of Boolean Operators
      • Special Topic 5.7 De Morgan's Law
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 5.1 Dysfunctional Computerized Systems
      • Computing & Society 5.2 Artificial Intelligence
    • How To 5.1 Implementing an if Statement
    • Worked Example 5.1 Extracting the Middle
  • 6. Loops
    • 6.1 The while Loop
      • Syntax 6.1 while Statement
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 6.1 Don't Think "Are We There Yet?"
      • Common Error 6.2 Infinite Loops
      • Common Error 6.3 Off-by-One Errors
    • 6.2 Problem Solving: Hand-Tracing
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 6.1 Digital Piracy
    • 6.3 The for Loop
      • Syntax 6.2 for Statement
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 6.1 Use for Loops for Their Intended Purpose Only
      • Programming Tip 6.2 Choose Loop Bounds That Match Your Task
      • Programming Tip 6.3 Count Iterations
      • Special Topic 6.1 Variables Declared in a for Loop Header
    • 6.4 The do Loop
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 6.4 Flowcharts for Loops
    • 6.5 Application: Processing Sentinel Values
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 6.2 Redirection of Input and Output
      • Special Topic 6.3 The "Loop and a Half" Problem
      • Special Topic 6.4 The break and continue Statements
    • 6.6 Problem Solving: Storyboards
      • Self Check
    • 6.7 Common Loop Algorithms
      • 6.7.1 Sum and Average Value
      • Self Check
      • 6.7.2 Counting Matches
      • Self Check
      • 6.7.3 Finding the First Match
      • Self Check
      • 6.7.4 Prompting Until a Match is Found
      • Self Check
      • 6.7.5 Maximum and Minimum
      • Self Check
      • 6.7.6 Comparing Adjacent Values
      • Self Check
      • How To 6.1 Writing a Loop
      • Worked Example 6.1 Credit Card Processing
    • 6.8 Nested Loops
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 6.2 Manipulating the Pixels in an Image
    • 6.9 Application: Random Numbers and Simulations
      • 6.9.1 Generating Random Numbers
      • Self Check
      • 6.9.2 The Monte Carlo Method
      • Self Check
    • 6.10 Using a Debugger
      • Self Check
      • How To 6.2 Debugging
      • Worked Example 6.3 A Sample Debugging Session
      • Computing & Society 6.2 The First Bug
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 6.1: Simple while Loops
      • Practice 6.2: Loop Tracing
      • Practice 6.3: for Loops
      • Practice 6.4: do/while Loops
      • Practice 6.5: More Complex Loops
      • Practice 6.6: Algorithms
      • Practice 6.7: Nested Loops
      • Practice 6.8: Random Numbers
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 6.1 Don't Think "Are We There Yet?"
      • Common Error 6.2 Infinite Loops
      • Common Error 6.3 Off-by-One Errors
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 6.1 Use for Loops for Their Intended Purpose Only
      • Programming Tip 6.2 Choose Loop Bounds That Match Your Task
      • Programming Tip 6.3 Count Iterations
      • Programming Tip 6.4 Flowcharts for Loops
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 6.1 Variables Declared in a for Loop Header
      • Special Topic 6.2 Redirection of Input and Output
      • Special Topic 6.3 The "Loop and a Half" Problem
      • Special Topic 6.4 The break and continue Statements
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 6.1 Digital Piracy
      • Computing & Society 6.2 The First Bug
    • How To 6.1 Writing a Loop
    • How To 6.2 Debugging
    • Worked Example 6.1 Credit Card Processing
    • Worked Example 6.2 Manipulating the Pixels in an Image
    • Worked Example 6.3 A Sample Debugging Session
  • 7. Arrays and Array Lists
    • 7.1 Arrays
      • 7.1.1 Declaring and Using Arrays
      • Syntax 7.1 Arrays
      • Self Check
      • 7.1.2 Array References
      • Self Check
      • 7.1.3 Using Arrays with Methods
      • Self Check
      • 7.1.4 Partially Filled Arrays
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 7.1 Bounds Errors
      • Common Error 7.2 Uninitialized and Unfilled Arrays
      • Programming Tip 7.1 Use Arrays for Sequences of Related Items
      • Programming Tip 7.2 Make Parallel Arrays into Arrays of Objects
      • Special Topic 7.1 Methods with a Variable Number of Arguments
      • Computing & Society 7.1 Computer Viruses
    • 7.2 The Enhanced for Loop
      • Syntax 7.2 The Enhanced for Loop
      • Self Check
    • 7.3 Common Array Algorithms
      • 7.3.1 Filling
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.2 Sum and Average Value
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.3 Maximum and Minimum
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.4 Element Separators
      • 7.3.5 Linear Search
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.6 Removing an Element
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.7 Inserting an Element
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.8 Swapping Elements
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.9 Copying Arrays
      • Self Check
      • 7.3.10 Reading Input
      • Common Error 7.3 Underestimating the Size of a Data Set
      • Special Topic 7.2 Sorting with the Java Library
    • 7.4 Problem Solving: Adapting Algorithms
      • Self Check
      • How To 7.1 Working with Arrays
      • Worked Example 7.1 Rolling the Dice
    • 7.5 Problem Solving: Discovering Algorithms by Manipulating Physical Objects
      • Self Check
    • 7.6 Two-Dimensional Arrays
      • 7.6.1 Declaring Two-Dimensional Arrays
      • Syntax 7.3 Two-Dimensional Array Declaration
      • Self Check
      • 7.6.2 Accessing Elements
      • Self Check
      • 7.6.3 Locating Neighboring Elements
      • Self Check
      • 7.6.4 Accessing Rows and Columns
      • Self Check
      • 7.6.5 Two-Dimensional Array Parameters
      • Worked Example 7.2 A World Population Table
      • Special Topic 7.3 Two-Dimensional Arrays with Variable Row Lengths
      • Special Topic 7.4 Multidimensional Arrays
    • 7.7 Array Lists
      • Syntax 7.4 Array Lists
      • 7.7.1 Declaring and Using Array Lists
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.2 Using the Enhanced for Loop with Array Lists
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.3 Copying Array Lists
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.4 Wrappers and Auto-boxing
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.5 Using Array Algorithms with Array Lists
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.6 Storing Input Values in an Array List
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.7 Removing Matches
      • Self Check
      • 7.7.8 Choosing Between Array Lists and Arrays
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 7.4 Length and Size
      • Special Topic 7.5 The Diamond Syntax
    • 7.8 Regression Testing
      • Programming Tip 7.3 Batch Files and Shell Scripts
      • Computing & Society 7.2 Liability for Software Malfunction
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 7.1: Arrays
      • Practice 7.2: Array Algorithms
      • Practice 7.3: Two-Dimensional Arrays
      • Practice 7.4: Array Lists
      • Practice 7.5: Partially Filled Arrays
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 7.1 Bounds Errors
      • Common Error 7.2 Uninitialized and Unfilled Arrays
      • Common Error 7.3 Underestimating the Size of a Data Set
      • Common Error 7.4 Length and Size
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 7.1 Use Arrays for Sequences of Related Items
      • Programming Tip 7.2 Make Parallel Arrays into Arrays of Objects
      • Programming Tip 7.3 Batch Files and Shell Scripts
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 7.1 Methods with a Variable Number of Arguments
      • Special Topic 7.2 Sorting with the Java Library
      • Special Topic 7.3 Two-Dimensional Arrays with Variable Row Lengths
      • Special Topic 7.4 Multidimensional Arrays
      • Special Topic 7.5 The Diamond Syntax
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 7.1 Computer Viruses
      • Computing & Society 7.2 Liability for Software Malfunction
    • How To 7.1 Working with Arrays
    • Worked Example 7.1 Rolling the Dice
    • Worked Example 7.2 A World Population Table
  • 8. Designing Classes
    • 8.1 Discovering Classes
      • Self Check
    • 8.2 Designing Good Methods
      • 8.2.1 Providing a Cohesive Public Interface
      • Self Check
      • 8.2.2 Minimizing Dependencies
      • Self Check
      • 8.2.3 Separating Accessors and Mutators
      • Self Check
      • 8.2.4 Minimizing Side Effects
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 8.1 Consistency
      • Special Topic 8.1 Call by Value and Call by Reference
      • Self Check
    • 8.3 Problem Solving: Patterns for Object Data
      • 8.3.1 Keeping a Total
      • Self Check
      • 8.3.2 Counting Events
      • Self Check
      • 8.3.3 Collecting Values
      • Self Check
      • 8.3.4 Managing Properties of an Object
      • Self Check
      • 8.3.5 Modeling Objects with Distinct States
      • Self Check
      • 8.3.6 Describing the Position of an Object
      • Self Check
    • 8.4 Static Variables and Methods
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 8.1 Trying to Access Instance Variables in Static Methods
      • Programming Tip 8.2 Minimize the Use of Static Methods
      • Special Topic 8.2 Alternative Forms of Instance and Static Variable Initialization
      • Special Topic 8.3 Static Imports
    • 8.5 Problem Solving: Solve a Simpler Problem First
      • Self Check
    • 8.6 Packages
      • 8.6.1 Organizing Related Classes into Pack­ages
      • 8.6.2 Importing Packages
      • 8.6.3 Package Names
      • Syntax 8.1 Package Specification
      • 8.6.4 Packages and Source Files
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 8.2 Confusing Dots
      • Special Topic 8.4 Package Access
      • How To 8.1 Programming with Packages
    • 8.7 Unit Test Frameworks
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 8.1 Personal Computing
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 8.1: Patterns for Object Data
      • Practice 8.2: Solve a Simpler Problem First
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 8.1 Trying to Access Instance Variables in Static Methods
      • Common Error 8.2 Confusing Dots
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 8.1 Consistency
      • Programming Tip 8.2 Minimize the Use of Static Methods
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 8.1 Call by Value and Call by Reference
      • Special Topic 8.2 Alternative Forms of Instance and Static Variable Initialization
      • Special Topic 8.3 Static Imports
      • Special Topic 8.4 Package Access
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 8.1 Personal Computing
    • How To 8.1 Programming with Packages
  • 9. Inheritance
    • 9.1 Inheritance Hierarchies
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 9.1 Use a Single Class for Variation in Values, Inheritance for Variation in Behavior
    • 9.2 Implementing Subclasses
      • Syntax 9.1 Subclass Declaration
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 9.1 Replicating Instance Variables from the Superclass
      • Common Error 9.2 Confusing Super- and Subclasses
    • 9.3 Overriding Methods
      • Syntax 9.2 Calling a Superclass Method
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 9.3 Accidental Overloading
      • Common Error 9.4 Forgetting to Use super When Invoking a Superclass Method
      • Special Topic 9.1 Calling the Superclass Constructor
      • Syntax 9.3 Constructor with Superclass Initializer
    • 9.4 Polymorphism
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 9.2 Dynamic Method Lookup and the Implicit Parameter
      • Special Topic 9.3 Abstract Classes
      • Special Topic 9.4 Final Methods and Classes
      • Special Topic 9.5 Protected Access
      • How To 9.1 Developing an Inheritance Hierarchy
      • Worked Example 9.1 Implementing an Employee Hierarchy for Payroll Processing
    • 9.5 Object: The Cosmic Superclass
      • 9.5.1 Overriding the toString Method
      • Self Check
      • 9.5.2 The equals Method
      • Self Check
      • 9.5.3 The instanceof Operator
      • Syntax 9.4 The instanceof Operator
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 9.5 Don't Use Type Tests
      • Special Topic 9.6 Inheritance and the toString Method
      • Special Topic 9.7 Inheritance and the equals Method
      • Computing & Society 9.1 Who Controls the Internet?
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 9.1: Subclasses
      • Practice 9.2: Overriding Methods
      • Practice 9.3: Polymorphism
      • Practice 9.4: The Object Class
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 9.1 Replicating Instance Variables from the Superclass
      • Common Error 9.2 Confusing Super- and Subclasses
      • Common Error 9.3 Accidental Overloading
      • Common Error 9.4 Forgetting to Use super When Invoking a Superclass Method
      • Common Error 9.5 Don't Use Type Tests
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 9.1 Use a Single Class for Variation in Values, Inheritance for Variation in Behavior
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 9.1 Calling the Superclass Constructor
      • Special Topic 9.2 Dynamic Method Lookup and the Implicit Parameter
      • Special Topic 9.3 Abstract Classes
      • Special Topic 9.4 Final Methods and Classes
      • Special Topic 9.5 Protected Access
      • Special Topic 9.6 Inheritance and the toString Method
      • Special Topic 9.7 Inheritance and the equals Method
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 9.1 Who Controls the Internet?
    • How To 9.1 Developing an Inheritance Hierarchy
    • Worked Example 9.1 Implementing an Employee Hierarchy for Payroll Processing
  • 10. Interfaces
    • 10.1 Using Interfaces for Algorithm Reuse
      • 10.1.1 Discovering an Interface Type
      • 10.1.2 Declaring an Interface Type
      • Syntax 10.1 Declaring an Interface
      • 10.1.3 Implementing an Interface Type
      • Syntax 10.2 Implementing an Interface
      • 10.1.4 Comparing Interfaces and Inheritance
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 10.1 Forgetting to Declare Implementing Methods as Public
      • Common Error 10.2 Trying to Instantiate an Interface
      • Special Topic 10.1 Constants in Interfaces
      • Special Topic 10.2 Nonabstract Interface Methods
    • 10.2 Working with Interface Types
      • 10.2.1 Converting from Classes to Interfaces
      • 10.2.2 Invoking Methods on Interface Variables
      • 10.2.3 Casting from Interfaces to Classes
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 10.1 Investigating Number Sequences
    • 10.3 The Comparable Interface
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 10.1 Comparing Integers and Floating-Point Numbers
      • Special Topic 10.3 The clone Method and the Cloneable Interface
    • 10.4 Using Interfaces for Callbacks
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 10.4 Lambda Expressions
      • Special Topic 10.5 Generic Interface Types
    • 10.5 Inner Classes
      • Self Check
    • 10.6 Mock Objects
      • Self Check
    • 10.7 Event Handling
      • 10.7.1 Listening to Events
      • 10.7.2 Using Inner Classes for Listeners
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 10.3 Modifying Parameter Types in the Implementing Method
      • Common Error 10.4 Trying to Call Listener Methods
    • 10.8 Building Applications with Buttons
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 10.5 Forgetting to Attach a Listener
    • 10.9 Processing Timer Events
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 10.6 Forgetting to Repaint
    • 10.10 Mouse Events
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 10.6 Keyboard Events
      • Special Topic 10.7 Event Adapters
      • Computing & Society 10.1 Open Source and Free Software
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 10.1: Simple Interfaces
      • Practice 10.2: Callbacks
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 10.1 Forgetting to Declare Implementing Methods as Public
      • Common Error 10.2 Trying to Instantiate an Interface
      • Common Error 10.3 Modifying Parameter Types in the Implementing Method
      • Common Error 10.4 Trying to Call Listener Methods
      • Common Error 10.5 Forgetting to Attach a Listener
      • Common Error 10.6 Forgetting to Repaint
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 10.1 Comparing Integers and Floating-Point Numbers
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 10.1 Constants in Interfaces
      • Special Topic 10.2 Nonabstract Interface Methods
      • Special Topic 10.3 The clone Method and the Cloneable Interface
      • Special Topic 10.4 Lambda Expressions
      • Special Topic 10.5 Generic Interface Types
      • Special Topic 10.6 Keyboard Events
      • Special Topic 10.7 Event Adapters
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 10.1 Open Source and Free Software
    • Worked Example 10.1 Investigating Number Sequences
  • 11. Input/Output and Exception Handling
    • 11.1 Reading and Writing Text Files
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 11.1 Backslashes in File Names
      • Common Error 11.2 Constructing a Scanner with a String
      • Special Topic 11.1 Reading Web Pages
      • Special Topic 11.2 File Dialog Boxes
      • Special Topic 11.3 Character Encodings
    • 11.2 Text Input and Output
      • 11.2.1 Reading Words
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.2 Reading Characters
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.3 Classifying Characters
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.4 Reading Lines
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.5 Scanning a String
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.6 Converting Strings to Numbers
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.7 Avoiding Errors When Reading Numbers
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.8 Mixing Number, Word, and Line Input
      • Self Check
      • 11.2.9 Formatting Output
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 11.4 Regular Expressions
      • Special Topic 11.5 Reading an Entire File
    • 11.3 Command Line Arguments
      • Self Check
      • How To 11.1 Processing Text Files
      • Computing & Society 11.1 Encryption Algorithms
      • Worked Example 11.1 Analyzing Baby Names
    • 11.4 Exception Handling
      • 11.4.1 Throwing Exceptions
      • Syntax 11.1 Throwing an Exception
      • Self Check
      • 11.4.2 Catching Exceptions
      • Syntax 11.2 Catching Exceptions
      • Self Check
      • 11.4.3 Checked Exceptions
      • Syntax 11.3 The throws Clause
      • Self Check
      • 11.4.4 Closing Resources
      • Syntax 11.4 The try-with-resources Statement
      • Self Check
      • 11.4.5 Designing Your Own Exception Types
      • Programming Tip 11.1 Throw Early, Catch Late
      • Programming Tip 11.2 Do Not Squelch Exceptions
      • Programming Tip 11.3 Do Throw Specific Exceptions
      • Special Topic 11.6 Assertions
      • Special Topic 11.7 The try/finally Statement
    • 11.5 Application: Handling Input Errors
      • Computing & Society 11.2 The Ariane Rocket Incident
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 11.1: Processing Text Files
      • Practice 11.2: Complex Text Input and Output
      • Practice 11.3: Exception Handling
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 11.1 Backslashes in File Names
      • Common Error 11.2 Constructing a Scanner with a String
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 11.1 Throw Early, Catch Late
      • Programming Tip 11.2 Do Not Squelch Exceptions
      • Programming Tip 11.3 Do Throw Specific Exceptions
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 11.1 Reading Web Pages
      • Special Topic 11.2 File Dialog Boxes
      • Special Topic 11.3 Character Encodings
      • Special Topic 11.4 Regular Expressions
      • Special Topic 11.5 Reading an Entire File
      • Special Topic 11.6 Assertions
      • Special Topic 11.7 The try/finally Statement
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 11.1 Encryption Algorithms
      • Computing & Society 11.2 The Ariane Rocket Incident
    • How To 11.1 Processing Text Files
    • Worked Example 11.1 Analyzing Baby Names
  • 12. Object-Oriented Design
    • 12.1 Classes and Their Responsibilities
      • 12.1.1 Discovering Classes
      • 12.1.2 The CRC Card Method
      • Self Check
    • 12.2 Relationships Between Classes
      • 12.2.1 Dependency
      • 12.2.2 Aggregation
      • 12.2.3 Inheritance
      • Self Check
      • How To 12.1 Using CRC Cards and UML Diagrams in Program Design
      • Special Topic 12.1 Attributes and Methods in UML Diagrams
      • Special Topic 12.2 Multiplicities
      • Special Topic 12.3 Aggregation, Association, and Composition
    • 12.3 Application: Printing an Invoice
      • 12.3.1 Requirements
      • 12.3.2 CRC Cards
      • 12.3.3 UML Diagrams
      • 12.3.4 Method Documentation
      • 12.3.5 Implementation
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 12.1 Simulating an Automatic Teller Machine
      • Computing & Society 12.1 Electronic Privacy
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 12.1 Attributes and Methods in UML Diagrams
      • Special Topic 12.2 Multiplicities
      • Special Topic 12.3 Aggregation, Association, and Composition
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 12.1 Electronic Privacy
    • How To 12.1 Using CRC Cards and UML Diagrams in Program Design
    • Worked Example 12.1 Simulating an Automatic Teller Machine
  • 13. Recursion
    • 13.1 Triangle Numbers
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 13.1 Infinite Recursion
      • Common Error 13.2 Tracing Through Recursive Methods
      • How To 13.1 Thinking Recursively
      • Worked Example 13.1 Finding Files
    • 13.2 Recursive Helper Methods
      • Self Check
    • 13.3 The Efficiency of Recursion
      • Self Check
    • 13.4 Permutations
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 13.1 The Limits of Computation
    • 13.5 Mutual Recursion
      • Self Check
    • 13.6 Backtracking
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 13.2 Towers of Hanoi
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 13.1: Simple Recursion Problems
      • Practice 13.2: Complex Recursion Problems
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 13.1 Infinite Recursion
      • Common Error 13.2 Tracing Through Recursive Methods
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 13.1 The Limits of Computation
    • How To 13.1 Thinking Recursively
    • Worked Example 13.1 Finding Files
    • Worked Example 13.2 Towers of Hanoi
  • 14. Sorting and Searching
    • 14.1 Selection Sort
      • Self Check
    • 14.2 Profiling the Selection Sort Algorithm
      • Self Check
    • 14.3 Analyzing the Performance of the Selection Sort Algorithm
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 14.1 Oh, Omega, and Theta
      • Special Topic 14.2 Insertion Sort
    • 14.4 Merge Sort
      • Self Check
    • 14.5 Analyzing the Merge Sort Algorithm
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 14.3 >The Quicksort Algorithm
    • 14.6 Searching
      • 14.6.1 Linear Search
      • 14.6.2 Binary Search
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 14.1 The First Programmer
    • 14.7 Problem Solving: Estimating the Running Time of an Algorithm
      • 14.7.1 Linear Time
      • 14.7.2 Quadratic Time
      • 14.7.3 The Triangle Pattern
      • 14.7.4 Logarithmic Time
      • Self Check
    • 14.8 Sorting and Searching in the Java Library
      • 14.8.1 Sorting
      • 14.8.2 Binary Search
      • 14.8.3 Comparing Objects
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 14.1 The compareTo Method Can Return Any Integer, Not Just –1, 0, and 1
      • Special Topic 14.4 The Comparator Interface
      • Special Topic 14.5 Comparators with Lambda Expressions
      • Worked Example 14.1 Enhancing the Insertion Sort Algorithm
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 14.1: Additional Practice
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 14.1 The compareTo Method Can Return Any Integer, Not Just –1, 0, and 1
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 14.1 Oh, Omega, and Theta
      • Special Topic 14.2 Insertion Sort
      • Special Topic 14.3 >The Quicksort Algorithm
      • Special Topic 14.4 The Comparator Interface
      • Special Topic 14.5 Comparators with Lambda Expressions
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 14.1 The First Programmer
    • Worked Example 14.1 Enhancing the Insertion Sort Algorithm
  • 15. The Java Collections Framework
    • 15.1 An Overview of the Collections Framework
      • Self Check
    • 15.2 Linked Lists
      • 15.2.1 The Structure of Linked Lists
      • 15.2.2 The LinkedList Class of the Java Collections Framework
      • 15.2.3 List Iterators
      • Self Check
      • Computing & Society 15.1 Standardization
    • 15.3 Sets
      • 15.3.1 Choosing a Set Implementation
      • 15.3.2 Working with Sets
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 15.1 Use Interface References to Manipulate Data Structures
    • 15.4 Maps
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 15.1 Updating Map Entries
      • How To 15.1 Choosing a Collection
      • Worked Example 15.1 Word Frequency
      • Special Topic 15.2 Hash Functions
    • 15.5 Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
      • 15.5.1 Stacks
      • 15.5.2 Queues
      • 15.5.3 Priority Queues
      • Self Check
    • 15.6 Stack and Queue Applications
      • 15.6.1 Balancing Parentheses
      • 15.6.2 Evaluating Reverse Polish Expressions
      • 15.6.3 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
      • 15.6.4 Backtracking
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 15.3 Reverse Polish Notation
      • Worked Example 15.2 Simulating a Queue of Waiting Customers
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 15.1: Lists and Sets
      • Practice 15.2: Maps
      • Practice 15.3: Stacks and Queues
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 15.1 Use Interface References to Manipulate Data Structures
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 15.1 Updating Map Entries
      • Special Topic 15.2 Hash Functions
      • Special Topic 15.3 Reverse Polish Notation
    • Computing & Society
      • Computing & Society 15.1 Standardization
    • How To 15.1 Choosing a Collection
    • Worked Example 15.1 Word Frequency
    • Worked Example 15.2 Simulating a Queue of Waiting Customers
  • 16. Basic Data Structures
    • 16.1 Implementing Linked Lists
      • 16.1.1 The Node Class
      • 16.1.2 Adding and Removing the First Element
      • 16.1.3 The Iterator Class
      • 16.1.4 Advancing an Iterator
      • 16.1.5 Removing an Element
      • 16.1.6 Adding an Element
      • 16.1.7 Setting an Element to a Different Value
      • 16.1.8 Efficiency of Linked List Operations
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 16.1 Static Classes
      • Worked Example 16.1 Implementing a Doubly-Linked List
    • 16.2 Implementing Array Lists
      • 16.2.1 Getting and Setting Elements
      • 16.2.2 Removing or Adding Elements
      • 16.2.3 Growing the Internal Array
      • Self Check
    • 16.3 Implementing Stacks and Queues
      • 16.3.1 Stacks as Linked Lists
      • 16.3.2 Stacks as Arrays
      • 16.3.3 Queues as Linked Lists
      • 16.3.4 Queues as Circular Arrays
      • Self Check
    • 16.4 Implementing a Hash Table
      • 16.4.1 Hash Codes
      • 16.4.2 Hash Tables
      • 16.4.3 Finding an Element
      • 16.4.4 Adding and Removing Elements
      • 16.4.5 Iterating over a Hash Table
      • Self Check
      • Special Topic 16.2 Open Addressing
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 16.1 Static Classes
      • Special Topic 16.2 Open Addressing
    • Worked Example 16.1 Implementing a Doubly-Linked List
  • 17. Tree Structures
    • 17.1 Basic Tree Concepts
      • Self Check
    • 17.2 Binary Trees
      • 17.2.1 Binary Tree Examples
      • 17.2.2 Balanced Trees
      • 17.2.3 A Binary Tree Implementation
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 17.1 Building a Huffman Tree
    • 17.3 Binary Search Trees
      • 17.3.1 The Binary Search Property
      • 17.3.2 Insertion
      • 17.3.3 Removal
      • 17.3.4 Efficiency of the Operations
      • Self Check
    • 17.4 Tree Traversal
      • 17.4.1 Inorder Traversal
      • 17.4.2 Preorder and Postorder Traversals
      • 17.4.3 The Visitor Pattern
      • 17.4.4 Depth-First and Breadth-First Search
      • 17.4.5 Tree Iterators
      • Self Check
    • 17.5 Red-Black Trees
      • 17.5.1 Basic Properties of Red-Black Trees
      • 17.5.2 Insertion
      • 17.5.3 Removal
      • Self Check
      • Worked Example 17.2 Implementing a Red-Black Tree
    • 17.6 Heaps
      • Self Check
    • 17.7 The Heapsort Algorithm
      • Self Check
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Worked Example 17.1 Building a Huffman Tree
    • Worked Example 17.2 Implementing a Red-Black Tree
  • 18. Generic Classes
    • 18.1 Generic Classes and Type Parameters
      • Self Check
    • 18.2 Implementing Generic Types
      • Syntax 18.1 Declaring a Generic Class
      • Self Check
    • 18.3 Generic Methods
      • Syntax 18.2 Declaring a Generic Method
      • Self Check
    • 18.4 Constraining Type Parameters
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 18.1 Genericity and Inheritance
      • Common Error 18.2 The Array Store Exception
      • Special Topic 18.1 Wildcard Types
    • 18.5 Type Erasure
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 18.3 Using Generic Types in a Static Context
      • Special Topic 18.2 Reflection
      • Worked Example 18.1 Making a Generic Binary Search Tree Class
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 18.1 Genericity and Inheritance
      • Common Error 18.2 The Array Store Exception
      • Common Error 18.3 Using Generic Types in a Static Context
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 18.1 Wildcard Types
      • Special Topic 18.2 Reflection
    • Worked Example 18.1 Making a Generic Binary Search Tree Class
  • 19. Stream Processing
    • 19.1 The Stream Concept
      • Self Check
    • 19.2 Producing Streams
      • Self Check
    • 19.3 Collecting Results
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 19.1 One Stream Operation Per Line
      • Special Topic 19.1 Infinite Streams
    • 19.4 Transforming Streams
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 19.1 Don't Use a Terminated Stream
    • 19.5 Lambda Expressions
      • Syntax 19.1 Lambda Expressions
      • Self Check
      • Programming Tip 19.2 Keep Lambda Expressions Short
      • Special Topic 19.2 Method and Constructor References
      • Special Topic 19.3 Higher-Order Functions
      • Special Topic 19.4 Higher-Order Functions and Comparators
    • 19.6 The Optional Type
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 19.2 Optional Results Without Values
    • 19.7 Other Terminal Operations
      • Self Check
      • Common Error 19.3 Don't Apply Mutations in Parallel Stream Operations
    • 19.8 Primitive-Type Streams
      • 19.8.1 Creating Primitive-Type Streams
      • 19.8.2 Mapping a Primitive-Type Stream
      • 19.8.3 Processing Primitive-Type Streams
      • Self Check
    • 19.9 Grouping Results
      • Self Check
    • 19.10 Common Algorithms Revisited
      • 19.10.1 Filling
      • 19.10.2 Sum, Average, Maximum, and Minimum
      • 19.10.3 Counting Matches
      • 19.10.4 Element Separators
      • 19.10.5 Linear Search
      • 19.10.6 Comparing Adjacent Values
      • Self Check
      • How To 19.1 Working with Streams
      • Worked Example 19.1 Word Properties
      • Worked Example 19.2 A Movie Database
    • Chapter Summary
    • Interactive Review and Practice
      • Practice 19.1: Simple Stream Processing
      • Practice 19.2: More Simple Stream Processing
      • Practice 19.3: Lambdas and Optionals
      • Practice 19.4: Complex Stream Operations
      • Chapter Review
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 19.1 Don't Use a Terminated Stream
      • Common Error 19.2 Optional Results Without Values
      • Common Error 19.3 Don't Apply Mutations in Parallel Stream Operations
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 19.1 One Stream Operation Per Line
      • Programming Tip 19.2 Keep Lambda Expressions Short
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 19.1 Infinite Streams
      • Special Topic 19.2 Method and Constructor References
      • Special Topic 19.3 Higher-Order Functions
      • Special Topic 19.4 Higher-Order Functions and Comparators
    • How To 19.1 Working with Streams
    • Worked Example 19.1 Word Properties
    • Worked Example 19.2 A Movie Database
  • 20. Graphical User Interfaces
    • 20.1 Layout Management
      • 20.1.1 Using Layout Managers
      • 20.1.2 Achieving Complex Layouts
      • 20.1.3 Using Inheritance to Customize Frames
      • Common Error 20.1 By Default, Components Have Zero Width and Height
      • Special Topic 20.1 Adding the main Method to the Frame Class
    • 20.2 Processing Text Input
      • 20.2.1 Text Fields
      • 20.2.2 Text Areas
    • 20.3 Choices
      • 20.3.1 Radio Buttons
      • 20.3.2 Check Boxes
      • 20.3.3 Combo Boxes
      • How To 20.1 Laying Out a User Interface
      • Worked Example 20.1 Programming a Working Calculator
      • Programming Tip 20.1 Use a GUI Builder
    • 20.4 Menus
    • 20.5 Exploring the Swing Documentation
    • Chapter Summary
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 20.1 By Default, Components Have Zero Width and Height
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 20.1 Use a GUI Builder
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 20.1 Adding the main Method to the Frame Class
    • How To 20.1 Laying Out a User Interface
    • Worked Example 20.1 Programming a Working Calculator
  • 21. Advanced Input/Output
    • 21.1 Readers, Writers, and Input/Output Streams
    • 21.2 Binary Input and Output
      • Common Error 21.1 Negative byte Values
    • 21.3 Random Access
    • 21.4 Object Input and Output Streams
      • How To 21.1 Choosing a File Format
    • 21.5 File and Directory Operations
      • 21.5.1 Paths
      • 21.5.2 Creating and Deleting Files and Directories
      • 21.5.3 Useful File Operations
      • 21.5.4 Visiting Directories
    • Chapter Summary
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 21.1 Negative byte Values
    • How To 21.1 Choosing a File Format
  • 22. Multithreading
    • 22.1 Running Threads
      • Programming Tip 22.1 Use the Runnable Interface
      • Special Topic 22.1 Thread Pools
    • 22.2 Terminating Threads
      • Programming Tip 22.2 Check for Thread Interruptions in the run Method of a Thread
    • 22.3 Race Conditions
    • 22.4 Synchronizing Object Access
    • 22.5 Avoiding Deadlocks
      • Common Error 22.1 Calling await Without Calling signalAll
      • Common Error 22.2 Calling signalAll Without Locking the Object
      • Special Topic 22.2 Object Locks and Synchronized Methods
      • Special Topic 22.3 The Java Memory Model
    • 22.6 Application: Algorithm Animation
    • Chapter Summary
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 22.1 Calling await Without Calling signalAll
      • Common Error 22.2 Calling signalAll Without Locking the Object
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 22.1 Use the Runnable Interface
      • Programming Tip 22.2 Check for Thread Interruptions in the run Method of a Thread
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 22.1 Thread Pools
      • Special Topic 22.2 Object Locks and Synchronized Methods
      • Special Topic 22.3 The Java Memory Model
  • 23. Internet Networking
    • 23.1 The Internet Protocol
    • 23.2 Application Level Protocols
    • 23.3 A Client Program
    • 23.4 A Server Program
      • How To 23.1 Designing Client/Server Programs
    • 23.5 URL Connections
      • Programming Tip 23.1 Use High-Level Libraries
    • Chapter Summary
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 23.1 Use High-Level Libraries
    • How To 23.1 Designing Client/Server Programs
  • 24. Relational Databases
    • 24.1 Organizing Database Information
      • 24.1.1 Database Tables
      • 24.1.2 Linking Tables
      • 24.1.3 Implementing Multi-Valued Relation­ships
      • Programming Tip 24.1 Stick with the Standard
      • Programming Tip 24.2 Avoid Unnecessary Data Replication
      • Programming Tip 24.3 Don't Replicate Columns in a Table
      • Special Topic 24.1 Primary Keys and Indexes
    • 24.2 Queries
      • 24.2.1 Simple Queries
      • 24.2.2 Selecting Columns
      • 24.2.3 Selecting Subsets
      • 24.2.4 Calculations
      • 24.2.5 Joins
      • 24.2.6 Updating and Deleting Data
      • Common Error 24.1 Joining Tables Without Specifying a Link Condition
    • 24.3 Installing a Database
    • 24.4 Database Programming in Java
      • 24.4.1 Connecting to the Database
      • 24.4.2 Executing SQL Statements
      • 24.4.3 Analyzing Query Results
      • 24.4.4 Result Set Metadata
      • Common Error 24.2 Constructing Queries from Arbitrary Strings
      • Programming Tip 24.4 Don't Hardwire Database Connection Parameters into Your Program
      • Programming Tip 24.5 Let the Database Do the Work
    • 24.5 Application: Entering an Invoice
      • Special Topic 24.2 Transactions
      • Special Topic 24.3 Object-Relational Mapping
      • Worked Example 24.1 Programming a Bank Database
    • Chapter Summary
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 24.1 Joining Tables Without Specifying a Link Condition
      • Common Error 24.2 Constructing Queries from Arbitrary Strings
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 24.1 Stick with the Standard
      • Programming Tip 24.2 Avoid Unnecessary Data Replication
      • Programming Tip 24.3 Don't Replicate Columns in a Table
      • Programming Tip 24.4 Don't Hardwire Database Connection Parameters into Your Program
      • Programming Tip 24.5 Let the Database Do the Work
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 24.1 Primary Keys and Indexes
      • Special Topic 24.2 Transactions
      • Special Topic 24.3 Object-Relational Mapping
    • Worked Example 24.1 Programming a Bank Database
  • 25. XML
    • 25.1 XML Tags and Documents
      • 25.1.1 Advantages of XML
      • 25.1.2 Differences Between XML and HTML
      • 25.1.3 The Structure of an XML Document
      • How To 25.1 Designing an XML Document Format
      • Programming Tip 25.1 Prefer XML Elements over Attributes
      • Programming Tip 25.2 Avoid Children with Mixed Elements and Text
    • 25.2 Parsing XML Documents
      • Common Error 25.1 XML Elements Describe Objects, Not Classes
    • 25.3 Creating XML Documents
      • How To 25.2 Writing an XML Document
      • Special Topic 25.1 Grammars, Parsers, and Compilers
    • 25.4 Validating XML Documents
      • 25.4.1 Document Type Definitions
      • 25.4.2 Specifying a DTD in an XML Document
      • 25.4.3 Parsing and Validation
      • How To 25.3 Writing a DTD
      • Special Topic 25.2 Schema Languages
      • Special Topic 25.3 Other XML Technologies
    • Chapter Summary
    • End-of-Chapter Exercises
      • Review Exercises
      • Practice Exercises
      • Programming Projects
    • Common Errors
      • Common Error 25.1 XML Elements Describe Objects, Not Classes
    • Programming Tips
      • Programming Tip 25.1 Prefer XML Elements over Attributes
      • Programming Tip 25.2 Avoid Children with Mixed Elements and Text
    • Special Topics
      • Special Topic 25.1 Grammars, Parsers, and Compilers
      • Special Topic 25.2 Schema Languages
      • Special Topic 25.3 Other XML Technologies
    • How To 25.1 Designing an XML Document Format
    • How To 25.2 Writing an XML Document
    • How To 25.3 Writing a DTD
  • Appendices
    • Appendix A: The Basic Latin and Latin-1 Subsets of Unicode
    • Appendix B: Java Operator Summary
    • Appendix C: Java Reserved Word Summary
    • Appendix D: The Java Library
      • Package java.awt
      • Package java.awt.event
      • Package java.awt.geom
      • Package
      • Package java.lang
      • Package java.math
      • Package
      • Package java.nio.file
      • Package java.sql
      • Package java.text
      • Package java.util
      • Package java.util.concurrent.locks
      • Package java.util.function
      • Package java.util.logging
      • Package
      • Package javax.sql
      • Package javax.swing
      • Package javax.swing.border
      • Package javax.swing.event
      • Package javax.swing.text
      • Package javax.xml.parsers
      • Package javax.xml.xpath
      • Package org.w3c.dom
      • Package
    • Appendix E: Java Language Coding Guidelines
      • Introduction
      • Source Files
      • Classes
      • Methods
      • Variables and Constants
      • Control Flow
      • Lexical Issues
    • Appendix F: Tool Summary
      • The Java Compiler
      • The Java Virtual Machine Launcher
      • The JAR Tool
      • The javadoc Tool
      • Documentation Comments
    • Appendix G: Number Systems
      • Binary Numbers
      • Overflow and Roundoff Errors
      • Two's Complement Integers
      • IEEE Floating-Point Numbers
      • Hexadecimal Numbers
      • Bit and Shift Operations
    • Appendix H: UML Summary
      • CRC Cards
      • UML Diagrams
    • Appendix I: Java Syntax Summary
      • Types
      • Variables
      • Expressions
      • Classes
      • Interfaces
      • Enumeration Types
      • Methods
      • Constructors
      • Statements
      • Exceptions
      • Packages
      • Generic Types and Methods
      • Comments
    • Appendix J: HTML Summary
  • Glossary
  • Illustration Credits
  • Wiley End User License Agreement


Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!

Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.

Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).

Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.

Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.

Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.

Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu



Big Java Early Objects 6th Edition Chapter 8 Study Quiz
