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Ap Edition Traditions and Encounters Chapter 26 Notes

Table of contents for Traditions & encounters : a global perspective on the past / Jerry H. Bentley, Herbert F. Ziegler.

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DETAILED CONTENTS   Maps xxiii Sources from the Past xxv Contexts and Connections xxvii Preface xxix Acknowledgments xliv        P A R T I THE EARLY COMPLEX SOCIETIES, 3500 TO 500 B.C.E. 2  CHAPTER 1 BEFORE HISTORY 5 The Evolution of Homo Sapiens 6 The Hominids 6 Homo Sapiens 10 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The Wandering Animal 11 SOURCES FROM  THE PAST: Richard E. Leakey on the Nature of Homo Sapiens Sapiens 13 Paleolithic Society 14 Economy and Society of Hunting and Gathering Peoples 14 Paleolithic Culture 16 The Neolithic Era and the  Transition to Agriculture 19 The Origins of Agriculture 19 Early Agricultural Society 23 Neolithic Culture 26 The Origins of Urban Life 26 Summary 27 Chronology 28 For Further Reading 28    CHAPTER 2 EARLY SOCIETIES IN SOUTHWEST ASIA AND THE INDO-EUROPEAN MIGRATIONS  31 The Quest for Order 32 Mesopotamia: "The Land between the Rivers" 32 The Course of Empire 36 The Later Mesopotamian Empires 38 The  Formation of a Complex Society and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions 39 Economic Specialization and Trade 39 The Emergence of a Strati?ed Patriarchal Society 40 The Development of  Written Cultural Traditions 42 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Hammurabi's Laws on Family Relationships 43  vii ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page viii      viii DETAILED CONTENTS  The Broader In?uence of Mesopotamian Society 45 Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews 45 The Phoenicians 48 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Israelites' Relations with  Neighboring Peoples 50 The Indo-European Migrations 51 Indo-European Origins 51 Indo-European Expansion and Its Effects 53 Summary 55 Chronology 56 For Further  Reading 56    CHAPTER 3 EARLY AFRICAN SOCIETIES AND THE BANTU MIGRATIONS 59 Early Agricultural Society in Africa 60 Climatic Change and the Development of Agriculture in Africa 60 Egypt and Nubia: "Gifts of the Nile" 61 The  Uni?cation of Egypt 63 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Harkhuf's Expeditions to Nubia 65 Turmoil and Empire 66  The Formation of Complex Societies and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions 69 The Emergence of Cities and Strati?ed Societies 70 Economic Specialization and Trade 72 Early Writing in the Nile  Valley 75 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Deciphering Hieroglyphic Writing 76 The Development of Organized  Religious Traditions 77 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The Great Hymn to Aten 79 Bantu Migrations and Early  Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa 80 The Dynamics of Bantu Expansion 81 Early Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa 82 Summary 83 Chronology  84 For Further Reading 84    CHAPTER 4 EARLY SOCIETIES IN SOUTH ASIA 87 Harappan Society 88 Foundations of Harappan Society 89  Harappan Society and Culture 90 The Indo-European Migrations and Early Aryan India 93 The Aryans and India 94 Origins of the Caste System 96 The Development of Patriarchal Society 97 SOURCES  FROM THE PAST: The Rig Veda on the Origin of the Castes 98 Religion in the Vedic Age 99 Aryan Religion 99 The Blending of Aryan and Dravidian Values 101 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The Mundaka  Upanishad on the Nature of Brahman 102 Summary 104 Chronology 105 For Further Reading 105    CHAPTER 5 EARLY SOCIETY IN EAST ASIA 109 Political Organization in Early China 110 Early Agricultural Society and the Xia Dynasty 110 The Shang Dynasty 112 The Zhou Dynasty 114 CONTEXTS &  CONNECTIONS: The Tomb of Fu Hao 116 Society and Family in Ancient China 118 The Social Order 119 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Peasants' Protest 120 Family and Patriarchy 121 SOURCES  FROM THE PAST: Family Solidarity in Ancient China 122 Early Chinese Writing and Cultural Development 124 Oracle Bones and Early Chinese Writing 124 Thought and Literature in Ancient China 125 Ancient China and the  Larger World 127 Chinese Cultivators and Nomadic Peoples of Central Asia 127 The Southern Expansion of Chinese Society 128  Summary 130 Chronology 130 For Further Reading 131 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page ix      DETAILED CONTENTS ix    CHAPTER 6  EARLY SOCIETIES IN THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIA 133 Early Societies of Mesoamerica 134 The Olmecs 135 Heirs of the Olmecs: The Maya 137 Maya Society and Religion 139 Heirs of the Olmecs:  Teotihuacan 142 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The Popol Vuh on the Creation of Human Beings 143 Early  Societies of South America 145 Early Andean Society and the Chavin Cult 146 Early Andean States: Mochica 147 Early Societies of Oceania 148 Early Societies in Australia and New Guinea 148 The Peopling of the Paci?c Islands 150 SOURCES FROM THE  PAST: The Voyage of Ru 152 Summary 153 Chronology 154 For Further Reading 154        P A R T I I THE FORMATION OF CLASSICAL SOCIETIES, 500 B.C.E. TO 500 C.E. 156  CHAPTER 7 THE EMPIRES OF PERSIA 159 The Rise and Fall of the Persian Empires 160 The Achaemenid Empire 160 Decline and Fall of the Achaemenid Empire 164 The Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanid  Empires 166 Imperial Society and Economy 168 Social Development in Classical Persia 168 Economic Foundations of Classical Persia 171 CONTEXTS &  CONNECTIONS: The World's First Coins 173 Religions of Salvation in Classical Persian Society 173 Zarathustra and His Faith 174 Religions of Salvation in a Cosmopolitan Society 175 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Zarathustra on Good and Evil 176 Summary 178 Chronology 178 For Further Reading 179 CHAPTER 8 THE UNIFICATION OF CHINA 181 In Search of Political and Social Order 182 Confucius and His School 182 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Confucius on Good Government 184 Daoism 186  SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Laozi on Living in Harmony with Dao 188 Legalism 188 The Uni?cation of China  189 The Qin Dynasty 190 The Early Han Dynasty 193 From Economic Prosperity to Social Disorder 197 Productivity and Prosperity during the Former Han 197 Economic and Social Dif?culties 199 The Later Han Dynasty  201 Summary 203 Chronology 203 For Further Reading 204 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page x      x DETAILED CONTENTS    CHAPTER 9 STATE, SOCIETY, AND THE QUEST FOR SALVATION IN INDIA 207 The Fortunes of Empire in Classical India 208 The Mauryan Dynasty and the Temporary Uni?cation of India 208 The Emergence of Regional Kingdoms and the  Revival of Empire 211 Economic Development and Social Distinctions 213 Towns and Trade 213 Family Life and the Caste System 215 Religions of Salvation in Classical India 217 Jainism and the Challenge to the Established Cultural Order 217 Early Buddhism 219 Mahayana Buddhism 222  SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Ashoka as a Teacher of Humility and Equality According to the Ashokavadana 223  The Emergence of Popular Hinduism 224 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The Indian Invention of "Arabic"  Numerals 225 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Caste Duties according to the Bhagavad Gita 227 Summary 228  Chronology 228 For Further Reading 228    CHAPTER 10 MEDITERRANEAN SOCIETY: THE GREEK PHASE 231 Early Development of Greek Society 232 Minoan and Mycenaean Societies 232 The World of the Polis 234 Greece and  the Larger World 237 Greek Colonization 237 Con?ict with Persia 239 The Macedonians and the Coming of Empire 240 The Hellenistic  Empires 242 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Arrian on the Character of Alexander of Macedon 243 The Fruits of  Trade: Greek Economy and Society 245 Trade and the Integration of the Mediterranean Basin 245 Family and Society 247 The Cultural Life of Classical Greece 249 Rational Thought and Philosophy 249 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Socrates' View of Death 250 Popular Religion and Greek Drama 252 Hellenistic Philosophy and Religion 254  Summary 254 Chronology 255 For Further Reading 256    CHAPTER 11 MEDITERRANEAN SOCIETY: THE ROMAN PHASE 259 From Kingdom to Republic 260 The Etruscans and Rome 260 The Roman Republic and Its Constitution 262 The Expansion of the Republic 263 From  Republic to Empire 265 Imperial Expansion and Domestic Problems 265 The Foundation of Empire 267 Continuing Expansion and Integration  of the Empire 268 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Tacitus on Corruption in the Early Roman Empire 270 Economy  and Society in the Roman Mediterranean 271 Trade and Urbanization 272 Family and Society in Roman Times 274 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Resistance  to Slavery 276 The Cosmopolitan Mediterranean 277 Greek Philosophy and Religions of Salvation 278 Judaism and Early Christianity 280 SOURCES FROM THE  PAST: Jesus' Moral and Ethical Teachings 281 Summary 283 Chronology 284 For Further Reading 284    CHAPTER 12 CROSS-CULTURAL EXCHANGES ON THE SILK ROADS 287 Long-Distance Trade and the Silk Roads Network 288 Trade Networks of the Hellenistic Era 289 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xi      DETAILED CONTENTS xi    Internal Decay of the Han State 302 Cultural Change in Post-Han China 304 The Fall of the Roman Empire 305 Internal Decay in the Roman Empire 305 Germanic Invasions and the Fall of the Western Roman Empire 306 Cultural  Change in the Late Roman Empire 308 Summary 310 Chronology 311 For Further Reading 311   The Silk Roads 290 Cultural and Biological Exchanges along the Silk Roads 294 The Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism 294 The Spread of Christianity 296 The Spread of Manichaeism 298 The  Spread of Epidemic Disease 300 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: St. Cyprian on Epidemic Disease in the Roman  Empire 301 China after the Han Dynasty 302        P A R T I I I THE POSTCLASSICAL ERA, 500 TO 1000 C.E. 314  CHAPTER 13 THE COMMONWEALTH OF BYZANTIUM 317 The Early Byzantine Empire 318 The Later Roman Empire and Byzantium 319 Justinian and His Legacy 321 Islamic Conquests and Byzantine Revival  322 Byzantium and Western Europe 324 Byzantine Economy and Society 325 Rural Economy and Society 325 Industry and Trade 326 Urban Life 328 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The Wealth  and Commerce of Constantinople 329 Classical Heritage and Orthodox Christianity 330 The Legacy of Classical Greece 330 The Byzantine Church 331 Monasticism and Popular Piety 333 SOURCES FROM  THE PAST: Anna Comnena on the Suppression of Bogomil Heretics 334 Tensions between Eastern and Western  Christianity 335 The In?uence of Byzantium in Eastern Europe 336 Domestic Problems and Foreign Pressures 336 Early Relations between Byzantium and Slavic Peoples 338 Byzantium  and Russia 339 Summary 340 Chronology 341 For Further Reading 342    CHAPTER 14 THE EXPANSIVE REALM OF ISLAM 345 A Prophet and His World 346 Muhammad and His Message 346 Muhammad's Migration to Medina 348 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The  Quran on Allah and His Expectations of Humankind 350 The Establishment of Islam in Arabia 351 The Expansion of  Islam 352 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The Hajj, Past and Present 352 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xii      xii DETAILED CONTENTS    The Early Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty 353 The Abbasid Dynasty 356 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Benjamin of Tudela on the Caliph's Court at Baghdad 358 Economy and Society of the Early Islamic World 359 New Crops, Agricultural Experimentation, and Urban Growth 359 The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone 360  The Changing Status of Women 364 Islamic Values and Cultural Exchanges 365 The Formation of an Islamic Cultural Tradition 365 Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Persia, India, and Greece  368 Summary 370 Chronology 371 For Further Reading 371    CHAPTER 15 THE RESURGENCE OF EMPIRE IN EAST ASIA 375 The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China 376 The Sui Dynasty 376 The Tang Dynasty 378 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The Poet Du Fu on Tang Dynasty Wars  381 The Song Dynasty 382 The Economic Development of Tang and Song China 383 Agricultural Development 383 Technological and Industrial Development 386 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS:  The Spread of Printing Technology 388 The Emergence of a Market Economy 389 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  The Arab Merchant Suleiman on Business Practices in Tang China 390 Cultural Change in Tang and Song China 391 The Establishment of Buddhism 391 Neo-Confucianism 394 Chinese In?uence in East Asia 395 Korea and Vietnam 395 Early Japan 397 Medieval Japan 399 Summary 400 Chronology 401 For Further Reading 401 CHAPTER 16 INDIA AND THE INDIAN OCEAN BASIN 405 Islamic and Hindu Kingdoms 406 The Quest for Centralized Imperial Rule 406 The Introduction of Islam to Northern India 407 The Hindu Kingdoms of  Southern India 409 Production and Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin 410 Agriculture in the Monsoon World 411 Trade and the Economic Development of Southern India 411 Cross-Cultural  Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin 412 Caste and Society 416 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Cosmas Indicopleustes  on Trade in Southern India 417 The Meeting of Hindu and Islamic Traditions 418 The Development of Hinduism 418 Islam and Its Appeal 420 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The Bhagavata Purana  on Devotion to Vishnu 421 The In?uence of Indian Society in Southeast Asia 423 The States of Southeast Asia 423 The Arrival of Islam 427 Summary 428 Chronology 429 For Further Reading 429    CHAPTER 17 THE FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN SOCIETY IN WESTERN EUROPE 433 The Quest for Political Order 434 Germanic Successor States 434 The Franks and the Temporary Revival of Empire 436 SOURCES FROM THE  PAST: Gregory of Tours on the Conversion of Clovis 438 Decline and Dissolution of the Carolingian Empire 440 The  Establishment of Regional Authorities 442 Early Medieval Society 443 Organizing a Decentralized Society 444 Serfs and Manors 445 The Economy of Early Medieval Europe 446 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xiii      DETAILED CONTENTS xiii    SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Life on an Early Medieval Manor 448 The Formation of Christian Europe 449 The Politics of Conversion 450 The Papacy 450  Monasticism 452 Summary 454 Chronology 455 For Further Reading 455        P A R T I V AN AGE OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTION, 1000 TO 1500 C.E. 458  CHAPTER 18 NOMADIC EMPIRES AND EURASIAN INTEGRATION 461 Turkish Migrations and Imperial Expansion 462 Nomadic Economy and Society 462 Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and India 463 The Mongol Empires 466 Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire 466 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Marco Polo on Mongol  Military Tactics 469 The Mongol Empires after Chinggis Khan 470 The Mongols and Eurasian Integration 473  Decline of the Mongols in Persia and China 475 After the Mongols 476 Tamerlane the Whirlwind 476 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Nomadic Conquerors and Their Contemporary  Appeal 478 The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire 478 Summary 479 Chronology 480 For Further Reading 481 CHAPTER 19 STATES AND SOCIETIES OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 483 Effects of Early African Migrations 484 Agriculture and Population Growth 484 African Political Organization 485 Islamic Kingdoms and Empires 487 Trans-Saharan Trade and Islamic States in West Africa 487 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Sundiata and the  Reconstruction of Niani 490 The Indian Ocean Trade and Islamic States in East Africa 492 SOURCES FROM THE  PAST: Ibn Battuta on Muslim Society at Mogadishu 495 African Society and Cultural Development 496 Social Classes 496 African Religion 500 The Arrival of Christianity and Islam 501 Summary 504 Chronology 505 For  Further Reading 505 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xiv      xiv DETAILED CONTENTS    CHAPTER 20 WESTERN EUROPE DURING THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES 509 The Establishment of Regional States 510 The Holy Roman Empire 510 Regional Monarchies in France and England 512 Regional States in Italy and Iberia 514  Economic Growth and Social Development 515 Growth of the Agricultural Economy 516 The Revival of Towns and Trade 517 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Francesco Balducci Pegolotti on Trade between Europe and China 519 Social Change 520 European Christianity  during the High Middle Ages 522 Schools, Universities, and Scholastic Theology 523 Popular Religion 525 Reform Movements and Popular Heresies  527 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Thomas of Celano on St. Francis of Assisi 528 The Medieval Expansion of  Europe 529 Atlantic and Baltic Colonization 529 The Reconquest of Sicily and Spain 531 The Crusades 532 Summary 534  Chronology 535 For Further Reading 535    CHAPTER 21 WORLDS APART: THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIA 539 States and Empires in Mesoamerica and North America 540 The Toltecs and the Mexica 540 Mexica Society 543 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Mexica Expectations of Boys  and Girls 545 Mexica Religion 546 Peoples and Societies of the North 548 States and Empires in South America 549 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Mounds and Their Interpreters 550 The Coming of the Incas 551 Inca Society and  Religion 553 The Societies of Oceania 555 The Nomadic Foragers of Australia 555 The Development of Paci?c Island Societies 557 SOURCES FROM THE  PAST: Mo`ikeha's Migration from Tahiti to Hawai`i 560 Summary 561 Chronology 562 For Further Reading 562    CHAPTER 22 REACHING OUT: CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTIONS 565 Long-Distance Trade and Travel 566 Patterns of Long-Distance Trade 566 Political and Diplomatic Travel 570 Missionary Campaigns 571 SOURCES  FROM THE PAST: Ibn Battuta on Customs in the Mali Empire 572 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: John of  Montecorvino on His Mission in China 574 Long-Distance Travel and Cross-Cultural Exchanges 574 Crisis and  Recovery 576 Bubonic Plague 577 Recovery in China: The Ming Dynasty 579 Recovery in Western Europe: State Building 580  Recovery in Western Europe: The Renaissance 582 Exploration and Colonization 585 The Chinese Reconnaissance of the Indian Ocean Basin 585 European Exploration in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans  586 Summary 590 Chronology 591 For Further Reading 592 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xv      DETAILED CONTENTS xv        P A R T V THE ORIGINS OF GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE, 1500 TO 1800 594  CHAPTER 23 TRANSOCEANIC ENCOUNTERS AND GLOBAL CONNECTIONS 597 The European Reconnaissance of the World's Oceans 598 Motives for Exploration 599 The Technology of Exploration 600 Voyages of Exploration: from the Mediterranean to  the Atlantic 604 Voyages of Exploration: from the Atlantic to the Paci?c 606 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Christopher Columbus's First Impressions of American Peoples 607 Trade and Con?ict in Early Modern Asia 609 Trading-Post Empires 612 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Afonso d'Alboquerque Seizes Hormuz 614 European  Conquests in Southeast Asia 615 Foundations of the Russian Empire in Asia 617 Commercial Rivalries and the Seven  Years' War 619 Global Exchanges 620 The Columbian Exchange 621 The Origins of Global Trade 623 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Vaccination and  the Eradication of Smallpox 624 Summary 626 Chronology 627 For Further Reading 627    CHAPTER 24 THE TRANSFORMATION OF EUROPE 631 The Fragmentation of Western Christendom 632 The Protestant Reformation 632 The Catholic Reformation 634 Witch-Hunts and Religious Wars 635 The Consolidation of Sovereign States 637 The Attempted Revival of Empire 637 The New Monarchs 639 Constitutional States 641 The European States System  645 Early Capitalist Society 648 Population Growth and Urbanization 649 Early Capitalism and Protoindustrialization 649 Social Change in Early  Modern Europe 652 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Adam Smith on the Capitalist Market 654 Science and  Enlightenment 655 The Reconception of the Universe 655 The Scienti?c Revolution 656 The Enlightenment 658 Summary 660 Chronology  661 For Further Reading 661    CHAPTER 25 NEW WORLDS: THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIA 665 Colliding Worlds 666 The Spanish Caribbean 666 The Conquest of Mexico and Peru 668 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: First Impressions  of Spanish Forces 669 Iberian Empires in the Americas 670 Settler Colonies in North America 673 Colonial Society in  the Americas 675 The Formation of Multicultural Societies 676 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xvi      xvi DETAILED CONTENTS    Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire 678 Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil 681 Fur Traders and  Settlers in North America 682 Christianity and Native Religions in the Americas 684 CONTEXTS &  CONNECTIONS: The Holy Herb Nicotine 685 Europeans in the Paci?c 686 Australia and the Larger World 686 The Paci?c Islands and the Larger World 688 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Captain James Cook on the Hawaiians 690 Summary 691 Chronology 692 For Further Reading 692    CHAPTER 26 AFRICA AND THE ATLANTIC WORLD 695 African Politics and Society in Early Modern Times 696 The States of West Africa and East Africa 696 The Kingdoms of Central Africa and South Africa 699 SOURCES  FROM THE PAST: King Afonso I Protests Slave Trading in the Kingdom of Kongo 701 Islam and Christianity in  Early Modern Africa 703 Social Change in Early Modern Africa 705 The Atlantic Slave Trade 706 Foundations of the Slave Trade 706 Human Cargoes 707 The Impact of the Slave Trade in Africa 709 SOURCES  FROM THE PAST: Olaudah Equiano on the Middle Passage 710 The African Diaspora 712 Plantation Societies 712 The Making of African-American Cultural Traditions 715 The End of the Slave Trade and the  Abolition of Slavery 716 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The Globalization of African Music 717 Summary 718  Chronology 719 For Further Reading 719    CHAPTER 27 TRADITION AND CHANGE IN EAST ASIA 723 The Quest for Political Stability 724 The Ming Dynasty 724 The Qing Dynasty 727 The Son of Heaven and the Scholar-Bureaucrats 729 Economic and  Social Changes 731 The Patriarchal Family 731 Population Growth and Economic Development 733 Gentry, Commoners, Soldiers, and  Mean People 735 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Qianlong on Chinese Trade with England 736 The Confucian  Tradition and New Cultural In?uences 738 Neo-Confucianism and Pulp Fiction 738 The Return of Christianity to China 739 The Uni?cation of Japan 741 The Tokugawa Shogunate 741 Economic and Social Change 743 Neo-Confucianism and Floating Worlds 744  Christianity and Dutch Learning 746 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Fabian Fucan Rejects Christianity 748  Summary 749 Chronology 749 For Further Reading 750  CHAPTER 28 THE ISLAMIC EMPIRES 753 Formation of the Islamic Empires 754 The Ottoman Empire 754 The Safavid Empire 756 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Ghislain de Busbecq's Concerns  about the Ottoman Empire 757 The Mughal Empire 759 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: A Conqueror and His  Conquests: Babur on India 760 Imperial Islamic Society 762 The Dynastic State 763 Agriculture and Trade 763 Religious Affairs in the Islamic Empires 766 Cultural Patronage of  the Islamic Emperors 768 The Empires in Transition 770 The Deterioration of Imperial Leadership 770 Economic and Military Decline 771 Cultural Conservatism 772  Summary 774 Chronology 775 For Further Reading 776 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xvii      DETAILED CONTENTS xvii        P A R T V I AN AGE OF REVOLUTION, INDUSTRY, AND EMPIRE, 1750 TO 1914 778  CHAPTER 29 REVOLUTIONS AND NATIONAL STATES IN THE ATLANTIC WORLD 781 Popular Sovereignty and Political Upheaval 782 Enlightened and Revolutionary Ideas 783 The American Revolution 784 The French Revolution 786 SOURCES  FROM THE PAST: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 789 The Reign of Napoleon 791 The  In?uence of Revolution 793 The Haitian Revolution 794 Wars of Independence in Latin America 796 The Emergence of Ideologies: Conservatism  and Liberalism 798 Testing the Limits of Revolutionary Ideals: Slavery 799 Testing the Limits of Revolutionary Ideals:  Women's Rights 801 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Voting Rights and Restrictions 802 SOURCES FROM  THE PAST: Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen 804 The Consolidation of National States in  Europe 805 Nations and Nationalism 805 The Emergence of National Communities 807 The Uni?cation of Italy and Germany 809  Summary 811 Chronology 812 For Further Reading 813    CHAPTER 30 THE MAKING OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY 815 Patterns of Industrialization 816 Foundations of Industrialization 817 The Factory System 820 The Early Spread of Industrialization 821 Industrial  Capitalism 824 Industrial Society 825 The Fruits of Industry 825 Urbanization and Migration 827 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Birth Control 828  SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Thomas Malthus on Population 830 Industry and Society 831 The Socialist  Challenge 833 Global Effects of Industrialization 836 The Continuing Spread of Industrialization 837 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Marx and Engels on Bourgeoisie and  Proletarians 838 The International Division of Labor 839 Summary 842 Chronology 843 For Further Reading 843    CHAPTER 31 THE AMERICAS IN THE AGE OF INDEPENDENCE 847 The Building of American States 848 The United States: Westward Expansion and Civil War 849 The Canadian Dominion: Independence without War  853 Latin America: Fragmentation and Political Experimentation 854 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Ponciano  Arriaga Calls for Land Reform 858 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xviii      xviii DETAILED CONTENTS    American Economic Development 860 Migration to the Americas 860 Economic Expansion in the United States 862 Canadian Prosperity 864 Latin American  Dependence 865 American Cultural and Social Diversity 867 Multicultural Society in the United States 867 Canadian Cultural Contrasts 870 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: The  Meaning of Freedom for an Ex-Slave 871 Ethnicity, Identity and Gender in Latin America 872 Summary 874  Chronology 875 For Further Reading 876    CHAPTER 32 SOCIETIES AT CROSSROADS 879 The Ottoman Empire in Decline 880 The Nature of Decline 881 Reform and Reorganization 883 The Young Turk Era 885 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Proclamation of the Young Turks 886 The Russian Empire under Pressure 887 Military Defeat and Social Reform 887 Industrialization 889 Repression and Revolution 891 The Chinese Empire  under Siege 892 The Opium War and the Unequal Treaties 893 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Letter of Lin Zexu to Queen Victoria  895 The Taiping Rebellion 896 Reform Frustrated 898 The Transformation of Japan 900 From Tokugawa to Meiji 900  Meiji Reforms 902 Summary 904 Chronology 905 For Further Reading 906    CHAPTER 33 THE BUILDING OF GLOBAL EMPIRES 909 Foundations of Empire 910 Motives of Imperialism 910 Tools of Empire 912 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Rudyard Kipling on the White  Man's Burden 913 European Imperialism 915 The British Empire in India 915 Imperialism in Central Asia and Southeast Asia 917 The Scramble for Africa 919  SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Lord Lugard Justi?es Imperialism and Indirect Rule in Africa 924 European  Imperialism in the Paci?c 925 The Emergence of New Imperial Powers 927 U.S. Imperialism in Latin America and the Paci?c 927 Imperial Japan 929 Legacies of Imperialism 930 Empire and Economy 930 Labor Migrations 932 Empire and Society 934 Nationalism and Anticolonial Movements  936 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The Spread of the English Language 937 Summary 938 Chronology 939 For  Further Reading 940 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xix      DETAILED CONTENTS xix        P A R T V I I CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL REALIGNMENTS, 1914 TO THE PRESENT 942  CHAPTER 34 THE GREAT WAR: THE WORLD IN UPHEAVAL 944 The Drift toward War 946 Nationalist Aspirations 947 National Rivalries 947 Understandings and Alliances 949 Global War 950 The Guns of August 951 Mutual Butchery 952 Total War: The Home Front 956 SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Dulce et decorum est 957 Con?ict in East Asia and the Paci?c 959 Battles in Africa and Southwest Asia 960 The End  of the War 961 Revolution in Russia 962 U.S. Intervention and the Collapse of the Central Powers 963 SOURCES FROM THE  PAST: State and Revolution 964 The Paris Peace Conference 966 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The In?uenza  Pandemic of 1918 967 Challenges to European Preeminence 972 Summary 973 Chronology 974 For Further Reading  974    CHAPTER 35 AN AGE OF ANXIETY 977 Probing Cultural Frontiers 979 Postwar Pessimism 979 Revolutions in Physics and Psychology 980 Experimentation in Art and Architecture 982  Global Depression 985 The Great Depression 985 Despair and Government Action 987 Economic Experimentation 988 SOURCES FROM  THE PAST: Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Nothing to Fear 990 Challenges to the Liberal Order 990 Communism in Russia 991 The Fascist Alternative 994 Italian Fascism 995 German National Socialism 996  SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Mein Kampf 998 Summary 1000 Chronology 1001 For Further Reading 1002    CHAPTER 36 NATIONALISM AND POLITICAL IDENTITIES IN ASIA, AFRICA, AND LATIN  AMERICA 1005 Asian Paths to Autonomy 1006 India's Quest for Home Rule 1006 China's Search for Order 1008 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: "Self Rule is my  Birthright" 1009 Imperial and Imperialist Japan 1013 Africa under Colonial Domination 1014 Africa and the Great War 1014 The Colonial Economy 1016 African Nationalism 1017 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xx      xx DETAILED CONTENTS    SOURCES FROM THE PAST:  Africa for Africans 1019 Latin American Struggles with Neocolonialism 1020 The Impact of the Great War and the Great Depression 1020 The Evolution of Economic Imperialism 1022 Con?icts  with a "Good Neighbor" 1024 Summary 1027 Chronology 1028 For Further Reading 1028    CHAPTER 37 NEW CONFLAGRATIONS: WORLD WAR II 1031 Origins of World War II 1032 Japan's War in China 1033 Italian and German Aggression 1035 Total War: The World under Fire 1037 Blitzkrieg: Germany Conquers Europe 1038 The German Invasion of the Soviet Union 1039 Battles in Asia and the  Paci?c 1041 Defeat of the Axis Powers 1043 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: A Hiroshima Maiden's Tale 1045 Life  during Wartime 1047 Occupation, Collaboration, and Resistance 1048 The Holocaust 1050 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: "We Will  Never Speak about It in Public" 1051 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: Genocide 1052 Women and the War 1054  Neither Peace nor War 1055 Postwar Settlements and Cold War 1056 Global Reconstruction and the United Nations 1058 Summary 1059  Chronology 1060 For Further Reading 1061    CHAPTER 38 THE BIPOLAR WORLD 1063 The Formation of a Bipolar World 1064 The Cold War in Europe 1064 Confrontations in Korea and Cuba 1066 Cold War Societies 1070 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Nikita Khrushchev on the Capitalist Iron Curtain 1074 CONTEXTS &  CONNECTIONS: Cold War Olympic Sports 1076 Challenges to Superpower Hegemony 1077 De?ance, Dissent, and Intervention in Europe 1077 The People's Republic of China 1079 Detente and the Decline of  Superpower In?uence 1081 The End of the Cold War 1084 Revolutions in Eastern and Central Europe 1085 The Collapse of the Soviet Union 1087 Toward an Uncertain Future  1089 Summary 1090 Chronology 1091 For Further Reading 1091    CHAPTER 39 THE END OF EMPIRE 1095 Independence in Asia 1097 India's Partitioned Independence 1097 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Muhammad Ali Jinnah on the Need for a  Muslim Pakistan 1099 Nationalist Struggles in Vietnam 1102 Arab National States and the Problem of Palestine 1103  Decolonization in Africa 1107 Forcing the French out of North Africa 1107 Black African Nationalism and Independence 1108 Freedom and Con?ict  in Sub-Saharan Africa 1109 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Kwame Nkrumah on African Unity 1112 After  Independence: Long-Term Struggles in the Postcolonial Era 1113 Communism and Democracy in Asia 1113 Islamic Resurgence in Southwest Asia and North Africa 1116 Politics and  Economics in Latin America 1119 War and Peace in Sub-Saharan Africa 1123 Summary 1126 Chronology 1127 For  Further Reading 1128    CHAPTER 40 A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS 1131 The Global Economy 1132 ben57549_FM.qxd.MAIN.qxd 12/3/04 2:07 PM Page xxi      DETAILED CONTENTS xxi    Economic Globalization 1133 Economic Growth in Asia 1135 Trading Blocs 1136 Cross-Cultural Exchanges and  Global Communications 1138 Global Barbie 1139 Consumption and Cultural Interaction 1140 The Age of Access 1141 Global Problems 1142 Population Pressures and Environmental Degradation 1142 SOURCES FROM THE PAST: Silent Spring 1145  Economic Inequities and Labor Servitude 1147 CONTEXTS & CONNECTIONS: The Graying of China 1148 Global  Diseases 1149 Global Terrorism 1151 Coping with Global Problems: International Organizations 1153 Crossing Boundaries 1156 Women's Traditions and Feminist Challenges 1156 Migration 1160 Cross-Cultural Travelers 1163 Summary 1165  Chronology 1166 For Further Reading 1166  Glossary G-1  Credits C-1  Index I-1      

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

World history.
Intercultural communication -- History.

Ap Edition Traditions and Encounters Chapter 26 Notes
